Sponsor a Harvard Prize Book
Celebrate SA High School Students & Teachers


Dear Harvard Colleagues:

The Class of 2024 Harvard Prize Book Award (HPRB) program of the Harvard Club of San Antonio is in full swing, and you are invited to join in the goodwill and fun!  To view our former HPBA sponsors, click on http://bit.ly/3xBHW5A.

You can participate in the Harvard Prize Book Award program several ways. Proceeds from HPBA sponsors are used to cover the costs of the book, and to offset the expenses of our celebratory BBQ to which all HPBA recipients and their parents are invited as guests at no cost.

IMPORTANT SPONSOR INFO - Please Review & Select:
                                                     Due to the ever-changing campus safety and health precaution protocols, we have revised our HBPA sponsor options.

1. Sponsor Harvard Prize Book - For $50. per book, you can help to recognize a student or faculty member in our area high schools. As a HPB sponsor, everything will be coordinated for you (campus contact, delivery, and presentation).  Plus, your $50 sponsorship includes the sponsor's BBQ meal!  To sponsor a HPBA, please click HERE.

2. SPONSOR & PRESENT - For $50. per book, you can both sponsor and present a HPB you can help to recognize a student or faculty member in our area high schools. You will be 100% responsible to coordinate everything (campus contact, book pick-up, and presentation). Your $50 sponsorship also includes the sponsor's BBQ meal!  If you are interested in both sponsoring and presenting a HPBA, please click HERE.

Harvard Prize Books are generally presented at the end of the academic year and can be given in person at the high school, or in the recipient's class during the school day, or at a high school award ceremony or at graduation exercises pending the high school’s protocols. 

With Crimson Cheer,

Linda Vargas-Lew, Ed.D.
The Prize Book Program Chair

Charles Massiatte
The Prize Book Program Co-Chair  
